May 21 – Sami and the Reindeer

We seriously considered taking a city bus up to the North Cape; the Northernmost point in Norway, but we decided to take the official excursion bus to ensure a timely return to the boat. I’m glad we did. We got some good information from the tour guide on the Sami families in the area and their management of Reindeer. There are five Sami (Native Norwegian) Families who raise Reindeer in the island we visited to get up to the North Cape.

We saw Reindeer grazing in several areas as we drove to the North Cape. I love how the 20 year old tour guide glossed over the purpose of raising Reindeer – to slaughter and sell the meat as we do with our cows. Note: we’ve had several opportunities to try reindeer meat; neither one of us has. We had fun snapping pictures today!

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